The entire Himself family went to Howth for the day. Which, by the way, was Spring. As in: Spring was May 25th this year. That is in no way a complaint about any other day; I pretty much love the weather here all the time (we figure I was Sydney Morgan in a past life– or a puffin), but today was especially nice.
Himself, Himself Jr, the Himself Srs, Brother and Brood all took a boat from Dun Laoghaire. Madam and I took the train. I get motion sick in a hammock. Boats and amusement park rides are, to my philosophical and physical distress, circles of Hell.
While we waited for the boat to arrive, Madam and I happily basked, puffin-like, in the sun on the West Pier.
Yes, yes, Howth is very pretty.
But this was our fave part of the day:
As we walked away, Madam was chanting, “Hey, who turned out the lights?! Hey, who turned out…”*
*Only slightly obscure Doctor Who reference.