May 25

The entire Himself family went to Howth for the day. Which, by the way, was Spring. As in: Spring was May 25th this year. That is in no way a complaint about any other day; I pretty much love the weather here all the time (we figure I was Sydney Morgan in a past...

May 20

I’m not a plant person. I mean, I eat them with glee. I’ve never met a green veggie I haven’t liked. But as a gardener, if I say “I kill cacti”, it tells you all you need to know. I appreciate flowers, too. I guess. They’re pretty....

May 16

It’s every headline and lead-in, the top news story in Dublin today. People arrived in droves to get a look…   .   The Queen Mary II is achored in Dun Laoghaire. How can you not love a city whose attention is grabbed passionately and completely...

May 15

One of my new favorite words is “pinniped”. Which means “fin-footed”. Seals and walruses. There are actually a lot of pretty wonderful words in Linnaean taxonomy (sirenia, nops, ba humbugi…), but that’s fodder for another post. This...